Small businesses are an extremely crucial part of American life because they are the lifeblood of our whole economy. Most businesses are small to medium in size and are basically the foundation upon which our entire country and economy was built.  Please enjoy our new quarterly feature called Small Business Spotlight, that will highlight a small business in our surrounding area.  This quarter our Small Business Spotlight is Moeller Brew Barn in Maria Stein & Troy, Ohio.

Moeller Brew Barn


Name/Title: Nick Moeller & Tony Scott, Owners

Name of Business: Moeller Brew Barn

Briefly describe your business: Moeller Brew Barn was built because we believe everyone should have a choice to enjoy fresh local craft beer.

When did your business start?  Maria Stein location, 2015  Troy location, 2019

How did you get started in this business?  From our feature article in — Nick Moeller moved to San Diego in 2002, where he worked as a chief engineer at a Navy submarine maintenance facility. “There’s a really big beer culture in San Diego,” says Moeller, who grew up in Maria Stein and was brainstorming with his wife about moving back to Ohio. “We thought the idea of creating the Moeller Brew Barn could bring some of that culture that we loved in San Diego.”

Where do you see your business in the next year?  Continued slow growth while making our customers happy in Maria Stein and Troy. Continue to improve our Taproom food and beer menus.

How has Greenville Federal helped your business grow?   We’ve received excellent customer service and financing options from Greenville Federal.

What is the one thing about your business that people may not know?   When Nick was researching the best place to start a brewery, he found the best spot to be a no-stop light town — Maria Stein, Ohio.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working?   Playing catch with the kids and going on camping trips.

To learn more about Moeller Brew Barn, please go to their website

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